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Read Rock With Wings

Rock with Wings

Online Book

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Rock With Wings - Plot & Excerpts

He was glad to have Bernie with him for the visit. She always managed to know what to say to ease the conversation forward, and when to stop talking.
Louisa greeted them at the door. She wrapped him in a quick hug. “Welcome, stranger!” Then she turned to Bernie. “What happened to you, sweetie? That bruise looks bad.”
Bernie touched the tender place on her chin. “It’s nothing. I did a face plant in the line of duty. How’s the Lieutenant?”
“Joe is waiting in his office. I figured you all could talk there while I finish dinner.”
“Can I make a salad, set the table, or something?”
Louisa nudged her away. “I’ll call when it’s ready. Go and chat.”
The Lieutenant sat on an overstuffed chair with a view of the activity at the hummingbird feeders. He motioned them to the couch across from him. The Lieutenant had a computer on his lap. He looked better than he had at their last visit.
“It’s good to see you.” Bernie spoke in Navajo. “And before you ask what happened to my face—well, you should have seen the other guy.”

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