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Read Rocky Mountain Lawman

Rocky Mountain Lawman

Online Book

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Rocky Mountain Lawman - Plot & Excerpts

Craig patrolled but didn’t find anything untoward. She went out and painted and no one bothered her. She wandered in the woods sometimes, enjoying the way light and shadow danced beneath the trees. She even found an absolutely perfect ravine, narrow and deep, full of large boulders, some of them still sharp in comparison to those worn by the water that raced through it almost but not quite like a waterfall.
    The place was so full of power, the power of rocks, water and trees, that she fell in love with it. Ideas for paintings buzzed around in her mind, demanding expression.
    This was what she had come all the way out here for, to find the essential creativity, to feel again the energy trying to burst out through her paintbrushes.
    Enthralled, she snapped photos even though the light was dim in this tree-sheltered space, filtered and green for the most part although here and there the sun broke through to sparkle almost blindingly on water.

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