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Read Runaway Actress

Runaway Actress

Online Book

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Avon Books

Runaway Actress - Plot & Excerpts

She’d been there for just over a week and her once hectic timetable had been abolished, leaving her with whole days to do exactly what she pleased. She was sleeping well, eating what she liked, and taking long walks around the loch each day. Her eyes looked brighter and she’d lost the shadows underneath them that would normally be hidden under thick slabs of make-up. Her skin had improved too. Isla’s magical pot of Benet’s Balm had restored her complexion and she had even been brave enough to go make-up free for a couple of days, luxuriating in the feel of the wind on her bare skin as she took her walks. She was almost completely relaxed but there was one thing nagging at her. There was something she knew she had to do and she couldn’t put it off a moment longer.
Leaving her room, Connie went downstairs and found Isla dusting a sideboard in the dining room.
‘Good morning, Connie,’ Isla said. ‘You look like a woman on a mission,’ Isla observed.
‘Yes, I am,’ Connie said.

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