They’d eaten a quick meal at the hotel, and Dominic had assured them there would be plenty of food and drinks available once they were at the warehouse. From the way he and Viggo talked about this adventure, it sounded like the twelve of them had planned a reunion, not an interrogation. Once they arrived, she eyed the burly men loitering around the entrance to a four-story building. From all outward appearances, the building was empty and had been for some time. The men looked as if they had no place to be, and were simply standing in front of an abandoned building, having a long chat. They obviously recognized Viggo and Dominic, because one of them gave each man a quick nod. As the four made their way around to the back of the building through a narrow alley, Madison gripped Viggo’s hand tighter. She glanced over her shoulder to find one of the men watching them, his dark eyes full of boredom. She’d ask Viggo later who they were. Right now, it was all she could do to keep her food down.