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Safe - Plot & Excerpts

I didn’t believe for one minute that Sadie was done with me. After everything that had happened these last few weeks, there was no way she was done with me. I sure as hell was not done with her. I shouldn’t have walked away even after she told me to. I should have banged on that fucking door and made her tell me what I did wrong.I should not have left her by herself. I knew firsthand what leaving her alone looked like. I never wanted to see Sadie like that again. But when I called Lauryn, she said that she’d be home soon. So I knew Sadie would be with her, even though I really wanted to be with her.Damn it!I plopped on my couch, staring at the TV that had nothing playing on it. What the hell was I to do now?  Three hours later, my phone began singing some country song that Sadie had programmed into it. Lauryn’s name came up on the display.I answered immediately. “Lauryn?”“Is Sadie with you?” Lauryn’s voice was panic-stricken.I felt the heat rise in me. “No. I told you.

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