Wu’s twin brother, Joseph. It didn’t take him long before he got several hits for a person matching the name in the area. He scrolled down the screen and selected the most probable choice. After opening the link, he was taken to a newspaper article of recent arrests. He found out that Joseph had been arrested for a string of small-time burglaries and possession of marijuana under one hundred grams. Apparently Joseph had been supporting his drug habit by breaking into vacant construction sites during the night and cutting out the copper plumbing. He would then sell it to a local junkyard for cash. From what Jake could gather, he made the mistake of always using the same junkyard and when the employee became suspicious he contacted the police. According to the article he had spent two nights in the county prison before being released on bail. The article did not provide an address. He exited out of the article and shut down the computer. Jake went through his briefcase and opened a small container which held a cable, an egg timer, and an encryption reading device.