Girlish glee? She was definitely full of something. She was only here to pick up takeout for her core staff back at the law firm, who would be working all weekend on the case, and then she was driving out to Soren’s place in Malibu. Ostensibly on business. Sort of. Not really. Who was she kidding? Definitely not. She wouldn’t bill one hour of it, but no one at the firm needed to know that. Cate waved at Amy over at the counter and smiled. Coming to this place had become a tradition, over the years—it was only place that had consistently accommodated her crazy orders and fulfilled her late-night cravings when working all-nighters before she made her first big case. In fact, it was practically the only tradition she still kept around from what she had begun to think of as the “Jason years.” Didn’t mean Amy needed to know she was getting a divorce. Almost no one knew she was getting a divorce, and that was the way Cate wanted it, at least until she c Font hw sheould get Jason to sign an agreement that contained a very robust nondisclosure clause.