Tamara cried. At once they were transported to the top of a mountain. Before them were spread rich fields and a huge, sparkling lake. Clever John’s eyes widened. “All this is mine?” “Of course, my King Clever John!” Tamara danced a few delighted steps, her bright hair waving in the mountain wind. “What else do you wish?” But Clever John’s gaze was on the wealth before him. “I shall call you when next I need you.” Tamara nodded and quick as a wink turned into the rainbow bird and flew away, leaving only one bright red feather to float to the ground in her wake…. —from Clever John “Mr. Makepeace.” Winter tamped down a surge of impatience and turned at the feminine tone of command. His morning had been busy enough before Lady Hero had decided to make an unscheduled appearance at the home—and bring Lady Beckinhall with her. He’d thought the ladies well occupied with Nell, discussing the new venture of teaching the children how to spin, but apparently he was wrong.