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Read Scent Of Magic (2012)

Scent of Magic (2012)

Online Book

4.15 of 5 Votes: 1
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0778314189 (ISBN13: 9780778314189)
Harlequin MIRA

Scent Of Magic (2012) - Plot & Excerpts

I'm very surprised at how much I'm enjoying this series so far! Maria Snyder has done a fantastic job creating a whole new realm and having the ability for the reader to really understand this different world from ours. And these novels - there is so much information packed in here! It's not just about one journey, there are like 10. But it doesn't feel rushed or crammed together. I loved being able to read Kerrick's point of view, along with Avry's. Especially since they are not near each other the whole book. Cannot wait to read the last and final book to see what the future is for the Fifteen Realms! The first book in the series was a surprisingly good journey tale and character study, in which you could see the protagonist slowly grow over the course of the book. This one is a more of a war story, and I get the feeling the author understands journeys more than she does war. I love the characters but the plot is a series of one deux ex machinas after another. Every problem is dealt a handy solution out of nowhere and it spoilt the connection I'd built to the characters. And yet, the first book had made me love them, so I gobbled this one up, even if I didn't enjoy parts of it. Also, even in a fantasy novel, giant flowers can't manage to be cool.

What do You think about Scent Of Magic (2012)?

Very good - enjoyed it as I do all of Maria V Snyder's works.

More like 3.5 stars because of all the cliffhangers

I am completely obsessing over this series

Definitely better than Study series


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