Pulling my car slowly into the lot through icy rain, I spied Cute Coffee Shop Guy backing into a spot. His environmentally friendly little electric car was hard to miss, though it barely made any noise. Relieved I got the timing right, I pumped my fist in the air before exiting my car. Today I would make contact. Opting to run into the café instead of fighting with an umbrella, I beat him inside. While shaking out my wet hair, fingering my bangs back in place, I was aware of him getting in line right behind me. Allowing him time to catch up at the service station, I took extra-long separating a lid from the stack. Willing my hands to stay steady, I was glad when his were soon next to mine, reaching for sugar. He had nice, normal hands. No hairy knuckles. I nodded with approval and prayed he didn’t notice. I took a deep breath for the confidence I promised myself I would display and looked him in the eyes, feigning surprise. “Oh, hi.” I wanted to sound upbeat and friendly. He grinned.