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Read Seduction And Surrender (2014)

Seduction and Surrender (2014)

Online Book

3.74 of 5 Votes: 3
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Daeron Press

Seduction And Surrender (2014) - Plot & Excerpts

I just wanted a light-hearted romance, hopefully a bit raunchy but I wasn't too bothered. I just wanted to have a break from the usual books that I would read. I downloaded 'Seduction and Surrender' on Kindle for free. Most often I don't enjoy the free downloads, but every once in a while you find one that blasts all expectations.This one did not blast.It wasn't as bad as it could have been writing wise I suppose, it was a bit repetative and cliched and flat. There was a terrible element of not knowing whether the hero is supposed to be a hero or not. Quinn basically blackmails Emma into having sex with him in return for saving her business, which he is conveniently destroying, but then she seems to love it, even as she says she hates it...The chemistry was great between Quinn and Emma once we had gotten over the whole 'blackmail' thing, but within two days they were professing love and that was just to much for my logical sensibilities to take in. The lusty sex and gently plodding sub-plots were fine, but not the weird blackmail and love at first sight aspects. This was a pretty hot and fantastical tale of the millionaire, Quinn, falling for the run of the mill Chef, Emma. Although it had a good plot and hot sex scenes, and I thoroughly enjoyed the story, Quinn's use of "darling" started to annoy me. Perhaps it is because that is not a realistic pet name these days. Other than that, I have no other complaints- the cliff hanger leaves me wanting more- to see who the bad guy is and how it all plays out.

What do You think about Seduction And Surrender (2014)?

Is a great book to read forever and ever since the heart of a great book to read

This book was amazing! Quinn didn't give up on what he wants and never will!

Holiday fluff!


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