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Read The Highlander's Hope (2000)

The Highlander's Hope (2000)

Online Book

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The Highlander's Hope (2000) - Plot & Excerpts

This was a romance with a little suspenseful danger thrown in, I thought this was pretty good considering it was a mild romance. Strictly PG and it still had you feeling the excitement between Iain and Catriona as they tried to fight their chemistry. She would push him away and say this isn't a good idea, and then kiss him. Then she would say after she kissed him that didn't happen. He would laugh her off, as she played her denial game. Catriona continued to fight it even when Iain professed his love for her until she had a wake up call. When she fears she might lose Iain then it all becomes perfectly clear that she loves him. Dr. Catriona Ross is a historian who has researched the Scottish highlands. She believes she has found out where to find the antique necklace known as the Highlander's Hope. She goes to the home of the MacCraigh clan who owns the property where she believes the necklace is hidden, however, she tells them she is researching the family history. The senior Mr. MacCraigh is thrilled that she wants to know more about the family's history so agrees to provide her with as much information as he can. He arranges for Catriona to talk to his son, Iain. Iain is a successful business man and playboy. He is not happy to help her or that she is there but eventually agrees to assist her with her research but they do not get along at all.Catriona has already had other research stolen by her ex boyfriend, James so she doesn't like to tell anyone much about what she is working on. James follows her and tries to find out what she has found out about the Highlander's Hope. She doesn't want James to know what she is looking for so pretends to be there to visit her boyfriend. She tells Iain about her problem with James and they decide to pretend to be a couple so that James will leave. James doesn't leave but Iain and Catriona do fall for each other and become an actual couple.MacKay did a good job on character development. I found Iain to be a kind, caring and intelligent man who came to accept his feelings for Catriona even though she was nothing like the other women he had dated. Catriona was intelligent and lived only for her work. She had a hard time accepting her feelings for Iain. Even the secondary characters where interesting. She gave us just enough information on Senior Mr. MacCraigh and James that we knew who they were but did not over power the main characters.I enjoyed The Highlander's Hope and really liked reading about a modern highlander for a change.

What do You think about The Highlander's Hope (2000)?

Cute story! I'd definitely read the next one.

Awesome as always! Cali never disappoints!

This was a nice quick read!

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