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Read Semper Human

Semper Human

Online Book

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Semper Human - Plot & Excerpts

Janis Fremantle was saying. “We’re getting reports that Marines are actually dropping off the tactical scans, as if they really are teleporting someplace else. Somewhen else.”
“And Zephyr doesn’t think the Xul are doing it?” Garroway asked.
“Oh, the Xul are involved somehow. All of our Zephyr penetrators are tracking the data streams responsible inside the Xul Net. But the Xul may not be aware of what they’re doing.”
“Maybe they’re data mining,” Colonel Jordan, the constellation’s computer expert, said. “Trying to find out who’s attacking them.”
“Or they’re using it as a distraction,” Major Allendes suggested.
“It could be a damned effective weapon,” Colonel Adri Carter, Garroway’s Executive Officer, pointed out. “If our people are simming as other people, in other situations, other places, they can’t pay attention to where they are physically.”
Garroway thought again about how real, how all-consuming the hallucination had been, and nodded agreement.

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