of me. But there was nothing. My identity was gone. Or at least my modern identity was gone. Erased. Forgotten. My Face had been removed from the Book! I am, of course, talking about the Facebook. FUN FACTNER: Young people often lose the “the” in front of “the Facebook.” They don’t usually properly add it until they hit sixty or so. With age comes wisdom! And perfect grammar! I had had my Facebook profile for a few years. I’d been taking quizzes, tending to my Farmville animals, poking and getting poked, and in March of 2011, the overlords inside the fortress at Facebook mountain decided that I was a fake William Shatner and deleted me. Deleted! Do you know what that feels like, in this modern age? To be deemed a fake? And then entirely erased? I’ve been called a fake a few times, but no one ever had the powers of deletion over my entire personality.