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Read Shielding The Suspect (2013)

Shielding the Suspect (2013)

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Shielding The Suspect (2013) - Plot & Excerpts

It was far, far worse. He shifted some of his weight to his bum knee, stifling a wince as pain shot up and down his leg. He gritted his teeth and took another step. More pain. It had been this way for two months. Two months of therapy, rehabilitation, surgeries and medical procedures as the doctors saved his leg from amputation and tried to restore function. Brady didn’t want to walk with a cane for the rest of his life.
    Then again, he didn’t want a lot of things and choices had been taken away when an enemy had shot him.
    He didn’t want to live with the disfiguring scars on his leg and the weakness in his knee. The surgeons had done everything they could. They said he was lucky that they had been able to save his leg.
    Lucky. Sure. It was the last word he’d use to describe his current state.
    The physical rehab was difficult, but he hated the psychotherapy more. Too much digging around his psyche about events that didn’t matter and trying to make a mountain out of a bump in the road.

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