The stricken, confused look on his lightly stubbled face was the reason she avoided telling anyone about her past. Next would come pity, then eventually, suspicion. She’d been through the same thing with everyone in her hometown and anyone she’d confided in since she left that godforsaken place. Abigail fought the urge to shy away from the topic of her past and forced herself to continue speaking. Looking down at the borrowed shirt she wore and the hot cup of terrible-tasting coffee clasped in her hands, she knew she owed him an explanation. When she looked up to meet his gem-green gaze, she realized she wasn’t as terrified of the prospect as she should have been. If ever there was a person worthy of her trust, it was the man sitting across from her now with a small frown tugging at the edges of his firm lips. “I grew up in a town a few hours from here. Jeffersonville.” “I know the place.” Jed’s blond brows drew together. “My entire life, we lived in a shitty trailer outside of town.