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Read Slippery Year: A Meditation On Happily Ever After (2011)

Slippery Year: A Meditation on Happily Ever After (2011)

Online Book

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1409118258 (ISBN13: 9781409118251)

Slippery Year: A Meditation On Happily Ever After (2011) - Plot & Excerpts

C'est une lecture sans prétention, fluide, légère, un peu superficielle aussi, on y aborde des sujets aussi délicats que la perte du chien ou le blues d'un mariage quelque peu fané par le temps, mais cela traite aussi de thèmes aussi artificiels que l'achat d'un matelas, des ronflements du mari, des cheveux qui frisent, d'une séance chez le coiffeur qui s'éternise... Au final, heureusement, l'auteur rappelle que si tout n'est pas parfait ni conforme à ses rêves de jeune fille, sa vie d'aujourd'hui n'est finalement pas si mal, "les ventres sont remplis de bonne nourriture et de bon vin, les vêtements sentent le feu de bois et les cheveux l'océan, les changements sont devant nous". parts of this book are laugh out loud funny and i cried when i read the chapter about the family dog dying. set in the oakland hills with relatable "mom" neuroses that are sometimes so familiar you feel like she swiped your journal, melanie gideon gives us her story of being in her own "middle place" -- her 9 year old son growing up, her relationship with her husband changing, and her relationship with herself evolving. still, the book is lacking in strucutre. many great ideas here would benefit from being flushed out. not sure i can recommend it but found the slippery year an entertaining afternoon read. now off to said carpool line! ha.

What do You think about Slippery Year: A Meditation On Happily Ever After (2011)?

A story of a forty something mom thinking about motherhood and marriage, with a great deal of humor.

i liked it, but the writer tended to change subject very quickly, a bit frenetic

Witty and funny memoir. An easy Summer read.

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