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Read Springer, Jan - Be My Dream Tonight [The Desperadoes 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Springer, Jan - Be My Dream Tonight [The Desperadoes 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Springer, Jan - Be My Dream Tonight [The Desperadoes 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) - Plot & Excerpts

Dressed only in a pair of heavy-duty work boots and a thick wool blanket that reached her ankles, she carefully stepped along the rock-riddled pathway that descended into StanleyGlacierValley. Casting quick glances behind her, she surveyed a rock plateau strewn with straggly, twisted pine trees where the Durango Gang hid during the summer months.
Nothing moved back there, except the white, puffy clouds in the crisp blue sky and a rock rabbit that whistled in fright the instant it saw her. It scurried quickly away across the endless array of craggy gray rocks.
She’d left Riley Raine and Maddox Burns sleeping soundly back there after a passionate night of sex with them. Below her, hidden in one of those rocky outcrops was Kayne Durango, leader of the gang. It had been his turn on lookout duty last night, so he hadn’t been in camp. Subsequently, he’d missed out on the scorching ménage with Riley, Maddox, and herself. She’d missed Kayne’s company, and now she wanted some one-on-one action with him.

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