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Read Springer, Jan - The Pleasure Girl [The Desperadoes 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Springer, Jan - The Pleasure Girl [The Desperadoes 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Springer, Jan - The Pleasure Girl [The Desperadoes 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) - Plot & Excerpts

Her breasts felt ravenously used. Orally used, actually, and her pussy throbbed with a pleasant soreness. She’d fallen asleep wrapped in a stranger’s arms feeling all safe and satisfied. But while she slept, he’d slipped out of bed and extinguished all but one of her oil lamps and tossed some more wood into the fireplace. As she stared into the semi-darkness, she heard him moving around in the kitchen.
He was being quiet about it. The soft plop of a coffee pot being placed onto the wood stove. The slow opening and closing of the cutlery drawer. The creak of the cupboard door opening where she kept her mugs and plates. The man was hungry, Teyla thought as she smiled into the darkness.
Just then, her stomach grumbled. Her smile widened. Obviously she was hungry, too. Come to think of it, she felt famished.
Climbing off the bed, she slipped the negligee over her breasts and did up the buttons. Grabbing her robe off the bedpost, she wrapped the soft pink terrycloth cocoon around her before tiptoeing across the wood plank floor to hesitate in the slightly open doorway.

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