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Read The Study Series Bundle (2008)

The Study Series Bundle (2008)

Online Book

4.47 of 5 Votes: 3
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The Study Series Bundle (2008) - Plot & Excerpts

A trilogy that held my attention and kept me up into the night. Easy writing style and good development of characters. Subjects of rape and nudity among other adult subjects leads me to shy away from handing the books over to teens. As a mom I enjoy reading this in other reviews. I thought it was a good story and read. The heroine begins in a dungeon and is saved as she is offered the job of food taster for the king. From there her world changes as she discovers magic, love and friendship. Her journey through the trilogy helps her discover who she is and the strength she finds. Brilliant for what it is (YA Fantasy). Snyder creates very memorable, likable characters. Both Ixia and Sitia are very unique fantasy settings. I wish the book had spent more time in Ixia. I found the plot of Poison Study to be a bit more fascinating than the "fire warper" antagonist of the second two books. Yelena is a bit of a Mary Sue; she seems to be good at nearly everything (I definitely understood Leaf's irritation with her).

What do You think about The Study Series Bundle (2008)?

These books pulled me in! Awesome books, period!

Loved it so much I read the series twice!


Just one word, charming.

Loved this series!

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