He’d already done some checking for her, since her call that morning. . Once Lily told him about being stalked, he read a bit, and by 3 o’clock was an expert. Jamie was like that, full on, like a dentist’s drill touching the nerve, moving away, and then coming back. As she stirred the cappuccino froth, Lily had the feeling that Jamie was enjoying the challenge of stalking her stalker. But who else could she ask to help? ‘I’ll tell you all about stalking,’ said Jamie, pushing back his pebble ‘specs. His head looked like a manic lawnmower had left criss-cross tracks where hair used to be. ‘Just listen Lily.’ Jamie was a ‘know-it-all’, and the annoying thing was that he usually did know about odd things as well as ordinary stuff. He loved making up the on-air quizzes and got a bit upset when people complained the questions were too hard. ‘A stalker plays on your fears….’ Jamie was doing psych.