"Jim . . . we can't keep . . ." He didn't even have time to argue any more, so tight had the pack closed in. Not only that, but it turned out that the resistance of the doglike creatures to the phaser beams was considerable. The beams knocked them out, but those first stunned were back on their feet again and once more closing in for the kill. "When I yell," Kirk ordered, "cut your phasers and dive for that thick copse over there." McCoy looked in the indicated direction, but saw only a large clump of high grass too thin to keep out a determined mouse, much less a mass of bloodthirsty beasts. And Spock nodded, apparently concurring in this madness! The pack was nearly on them now. It had become so bad that McCoy almost beamed Kirk in taking one of the monsters before it could sink scimitarlike fangs into the captain's right shoulder. At that point, Kirk shouted, "Now!" and plunged headfirst toward the high brush.