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Read Star Wars: Path Of Destruction: A Novel Of The Old Republic

Star Wars: Path of Destruction: A Novel of the Old Republic

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Star Wars: Path Of Destruction: A Novel Of The Old Republic - Plot & Excerpts

But though his pace was somber and subdued, his mood was one of elated triumph. In the weeks since his fateful meeting with Githany his situation had turned around completely.
As promised, she was teaching him. The first few sessions had gone slowly as she’d helped him work through his mind’s fear of its own potential. Bit by bit the black veil had been torn away. Piece by piece she was helping him reclaim what he had lost, until once again he felt the power of the dark side coursing through his veins.
Since then the training had gone much more quickly. His hunger for revenge drove his studies. It fueled his ability to use the Force. It enabled him to understand the lessons that the Masters had taught Githany and she had then passed on to him. Despite being ignored by the instructors, he was once again learning everything the other apprentices were being taught-and learning it rapidly.
As another student passed Bane bowed his head, keeping up the pretense of subservience. It was important that none of the others suspected anything had changed.

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