Stars In My Pocket Like Grains Of Sand (2011) - Plot & Excerpts
What thoughts did I dole out to that world (out of the six thousand, which, according to a rumour that had crept worlds and worlds away, corroborated only by a certain certified psychotic, may have been) destroyed by Xlv? Certainly I thought about it. Yet after a week, after a handful of weeks, now at home, now away, somehow the rational part of my mind had accorded it much the weight one gives to the most insubstantial notion. I was finishing up a fairly simple job1 – though today, none are easy. The folk artists in the temperate wastes of Yinysh – a world whose polar caps are sheeted with black ice – make vast mosaics out of tiny laterally sensitive tiles: changes in light cause them to change not their own colour, but to transmit a colour change to the tile beside them: by fine manoeuvrings, this can be worked into a mosaic whose picture moves and changes with the changing sun. Four thousand seven hundred light-years along the rim, an architect in the equatorial stone fields of Batria – a thin-aired planet where atmosphere is released from volcanic fissures in the north and shipped in orange plastic tanks to the planetary midlands – heard of them.
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