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Read Stranded With A Hero

Stranded With a Hero

Online Book

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Stranded With A Hero - Plot & Excerpts

Okay, so it wasn’t nearly as bad as that time she’d decided to go on the Sky Screamer at the amusement park when she was drunk. Or when she’d almost tattooed her first boyfriend’s name on her upper thigh. But this was several steps past awkward. It’d be one thing if she and Nate were friends back in high school, but he’d always stood back, a disapproving look on his face—the same look his mom always gave her when she showed up.
    And now she was staying at his house and he still hardly spoke. Of course Mister Serious was a cop now. Made perfect sense. As much as she liked to think she’d gotten over her issues with authority figures, any time she saw a cop car or a person in uniform, she automatically bristled.
    Granted, Nate looked pretty good in his uniform.
    Okay, that’s so not a helpful thought right now. But the fact of the matter was, he’d always been good looking. Stoic, but cute. Derek had the darker features and was a total show-off.

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