Surrender our Love was just okay. The book cover was deceiving. The story was told from Brooke's sole point of view. I don't like her best friend Sylvie at all. She doesn't seem to be a genuine friend. Of course Jett was dark, sexy, rich and mysterious. The small amount of sex in the book was blah. It took this book too long to get interesting. Since I am a glutton for punish I have to see how this story ends. Overall it was an okay read and I didn't hate it but I didn't love it either. Hopefully the next two books will redeem this series. O desenrolar do romance em si mesmo não foi mau mas a história em si faltou qualquer coisa que me agarrasse ao livro desde o inicio, achei a protagonista um bocado parva em algumas matérias nomeadamente no que toca a saídas regadas a álcool, achei que era demasiado infantil para os 23 anos......o romance em si mesmo passa-se em 2 semanas em Itália e a descrição das paisagens parece-me lindamente e de repente acontece algo que despoleta o final do livro e ficamos "ok já acabou?"E foi isto...
I enjoyed parts of it enough to read the next two books if only to know how it ends.
the ending wasn't as big of a turn around as I would've thought it to be
failed to hold my attention
LOVE a story with a twist!