Sweet Violet And A Time For Love (2015) - Plot & Excerpts
You may step down now and we will adjourn for lunch.” The judge pounded his gavel and the courtroom came alive, making the last few hours of quiet but brutal, repetitive testimony seem like a distant dream. You think you know what dreams are? Humph, you don’t even know what sleep is. You livin’ life with your eyes closed, thinking you’re awake. Sweet Violet’s raspy voice jarred my consciousness, her words to me as clear and as puzzling as they had been some weeks ago when we met in the War Memorial Plaza, the grassy area in front of city hall. We’d had several conversations like this over the months. My mind had been occupied with dissecting distant memories for most of the time I’d been up on the witness stand. “Sienna, let’s grab lunch while we can.” Leon pulled me close to him as I pressed my way through the courtroom. Joe Koletsky, a young attorney who served as Alisa Billy’s assistant, did his best to try to shield me from the throng of reporters and gawkers with smartphone cameras who swamped me from every side.
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