Sword Of Axia (The Arcadian Jihad) - Plot & Excerpts
All of the leaders died in the battle. They also killed Baldach son of Maelor with the blaster. Then the Axian army captured the Corazonian women and children and seized their factories and all their wealth as plunder. They burned all the towns where the Corazonians had lived. After they had gathered the plunder and captives they brought them all before Axia and divided it between the whole army, which was waiting to land on Corazon and secure their wealth. Excerpt from the Scrolls of Axia – Part VI Trials of The Prophet System Standard 2728.1274 Surface of Planet Corazon Smetana looked around at his beleaguered forces. The Axians had rushed up artillery to use against them and he’d seen thousands of civilians cut down in the indiscriminate bombardment they’d employed to prevent the attackers from getting near to the Comms Station. The target was a vital one, it comprised the main administration building that governed all of Corazon as well as the Comms Center. He’d had to divert half of his force to get the survivors under cover.
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