Talosian Chronicles 2: Star Dancer - Plot & Excerpts
–––––––– The drone had promise that much was clear to Alan. However, there were still a few issues that needed to be worked out before it was ready. One major issue was the control signal to the drone from the interface unit. Alan had found someone on the base that was capable of emitting a jamming signal without telling them what channel the drone was operating on. Even after the jamming signal was stopped, it was very difficult for the control unit to reconnect with the drone. Once it finally reconnected, the Drone was jerky, and only semi-responsive. The second major issue was weapons cooling. In space, or on the lunar surface, it wasn’t as much of an issue since space was pretty cold, but in an atmosphere, like Earth, the weapons over-heated very quickly which shut them down. This issue turned the drone into a large moving target. Strike three came when Alan was trying to evade mock weapons fire from a Hornet that had been dispatched for the test.
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