What do You think about Tending To Virginia (1997)?
Every time I read one of McCorkle's books I am blown away from her gorgeous prose. Through flashbacks and details down to the smallest grain of sand, she brings her characters to life in Tending to Virginia, and not just simply breathing life into these fictional people, but making the reader believe they are out there somewhere truly living. And then those characters--and not just in this book, but her others as well--continue to live in the mind of the reader long after the book is placed back on the shelf.
—Amy Kitchell-Leighty
This starts out very slow, and I almost gave up. But Jill Mccorkle is such an amazing writer, so gifted with voice and wit, that I kept on. Once you get to know the MILLION characters, it is fine. Lots of voices, lots of characters and interrelationships. Drink coffee, stay alert, and, then go on a very interesting ride backwards. It is a backwards story. All backstory, but very well done. Also, very very southern. So, be prepared for a lot of southern humor and charm, no action and backstory. That's the book. But she sure can write!