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Read Texas Two Step

Texas Two Step

Online Book

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Texas Two Step - Plot & Excerpts

It’s the middle of the night.” Maryann Morrissy cringed at her fiancé’s obvious annoyance.
“Yes. Sorry, luv. Did I wake you?” She’d been trying to hit the keys as quietly as possible, but in the dead of night, everything sounded horribly loud.
“Your racket didn’t help, but I can’t sleep anyway. I had a dodgy meal today. Not feeling quite up to snuff.” Robert rubbed his belly.
“Really? Where did you eat?” She frowned. “And I thought you had an important meeting. That’s why you couldn’t have lunch with me.” “Uh, right.” He hesitated just a beat. “It was a working lunch. Probably the sandwiches we ordered in were a little past their time. I’ll have to remember not to order from there again.” “Yes, do that. You should call to complain. Let them know. Which shop was it? You never did say.” “Um, some new place. I’m not sure. The secretary ordered for us.” “Well you be sure to ask her the name tomorrow.

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