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Read Texas Two-Step: Cowboy Shuffle

Texas Two-Step: Cowboy Shuffle

Online Book

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Texas Two-Step: Cowboy Shuffle - Plot & Excerpts

He turned toward Bucky’s stall to check on him one more time before heading home when he saw a figure clad from head to toe in mint green leaning over the stall door.
Ellen. As unattractive as the boxy-shaped nurse’s scrubs were, she still looked good. He smiled. “Hey. I didn’t expect to see you here in the middle of your shift.” Ellen spun and he saw the glimmer of tears in her eyes. “I wanted to see him.” “Don’t worry. He’s all right. I texted you to tell you he was doing much better.” He hesitated a second, then reached out and rubbed her back, hating the stiff feel of the fabric of her uniform.
She leaned into him. That was a change. Ellen was usually totally hands-off when it came to him. He decided to enjoy the gesture, even if it was only concern for the horse, or rather relief over his recovery that had driven her into his arms in the first place.
“I know you texted, but I was just so worried. I had to come over on my dinner break and see for myself.” Ellen drew in a shaky breath and let it out slowly.

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