What do You think about The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons In Personal Change (2004)?
I would like to make clear that David Hasselhoff's appearance in this review should in no way be deemed to imply that I endorse or support his career in any way whatsoever.Thank you for your understanding. FIVE "PRACTICAL" HABITS OF HIGHLY EFFECTIVE PEOPLEFirst, a few comments on the seven so-called “habits” identified in the book, namely:1.Be proactive, 2.Begin with the End in Mind, 3. Put First Things First, 4. Think Win-Win, 5. Seek First to Understand, then to be understood, 6. Synergize, and7. Sharpen the SawIn a word…..crap!! In several words, what a giant, steaming pile of new-age, masturbatory, corp-lingo, platitude spewing bullshit. Think Win-Win…are you kidding me with this Jim Jones Kool-aid party chant? Synergize….just hearing that word makes me throw up in my mouth.Sharpen the saw….exactly…reading that phrase makes me literally want to sharpen the saw and slice a hate filled path through the contents of this book. This book is like a giant fortune cookie full of sounds good but says nothing. My advice: rather than read this book, go get a six pack or a bottle of wine, grab some China Mieville or Dan Simmons and find a nice comfy tree to sit under while you read something that might actually expand your mind. Now I certainly don't have any foolproof answers or magic exercises that will help you bring out the "inner-winner" inside you. However, I did come up five pracical (and hopefully a little humorous) habits that have proven to be pretty effective at making people successful in their chosen field (tongue planted firmly in cheek). 1. EMBRACE TECHNOLOGY AND MEDICAL SCIENCE TO BECOME THE BEST YOU CAN BE 2. BE BOLD, BE DARING AND DELIVER TO THE MARKETPLACE THE NEXT BIG THING 3. DON’T BE AFRAID TO USE THE FORCE TO ACCOMPLISH YOUR GOAL 4. GET IN GOOD WITH THE GERMANS 5. BE RUTHLESS PROACTIVE IN DEALING WITH THE COMPETITION THE END.....
أول قراآتي لستيفن كوفي كانت "ترتيب الأولويات .. المهم يأتي أولا" !! وبدع قراءتي لهذا الكتاب اكتشفت أنه اصدر قبل الكتاب الآخر بأكثر من ٧ سنواتكتاب العادات السبع كتاب مأصدر عام ١٩٨٩ ولازال يغير في الناس من ذلك الحينمن الكتب التي يجب اقتناؤها و تدريسها وقراءتها بين فترة وأخرى وخاصة أوقات التخطيط والتغييررائع ويفتح لك مجالات وأفكار لم تكن لديك أي فكرة عنها أو كانت غائبة عن ذهنك باختصار .. لو عاد بي الزمن ، سأقرأ هذا الكتاب كأول مادة أقرأها بعد تعلمي للقراءة
—Amer Alkharoubi
This book was just alright. I was slightly disappointed as I have had this book recommended to me by countless people so I did expect better. I felt it could have been condensed to a quarter of its size easily.The book was also written in the 80s and I could easily tell (personally, I feel it's in need of a 21st Century update). I did give it 3-stars though because there were parts I found useful and interesting, especially the section about writing a mission statement for oneself. I guess this book may be more suited to people in the business world.