The Adventures Of Kid Combat Volume One: A Secret Lost - Plot & Excerpts
No bigger than a pencil eraser, the red LED flickered on and off. Below the light was a black ball that contained a very small camera. It swiveled back and forth on its base, patrolling its designated area. There was a security breach. Someone or something had tripped the alarm. Security was tight, and it wasn’t the first time an alarm of this nature had been seen. Going in and out of focus, the camera tried to find something approaching. Images produced by the camera were sent fifteen feet up the tree into an elaborate house. Inside, a larger red light started flashing on the main control panel and got the attention of a small boy sitting at a laptop across the room. He gazed up from his typing to see the alarm. He glanced at the monitors and went back to his work. A few seconds later, the alarm cleared. All systems were normal. This guest was expected. Kid Combat was the first one to reach Gears’s tree house. Gears lived on the other side of Maple Forest. A quick walk through the forest and a cut between two backyards led Kyle to Gears’s backyard and the tree house.
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