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Read The Alien Artifact 9 (Novelette)

The Alien Artifact 9 (Novelette)

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The Alien Artifact 9 (Novelette) - Plot & Excerpts

For a few seconds I saw its prehistoric look and I now realized some kind of monster or large creature could exist in its confines, even though it was not entirely isolated, and it never seemed big enough, but with carefully examinations I accepted it could be and it could be deep in places.
The bedroom seemed alright. The two psychic researcher’s equipment was all over it, everywhere, and they speedily had porters bring it in while they unpacked it, and examined it for breakages or other damage.
I had never seen anything like it, and most of it was new, and new technology, and I gasped again at what their profession was!
It was the occurrence at Craigmillar Road, with the metal detector, which persuaded me to take the investigation, and I persuaded Marple to give it to me, even though I never properly knew what it was and what I was to do, and in the end why I was needed to accompany two paranormal investigators, Oswald and Higgins, to the Loch Ness location, and I continuously read through the documents on the case, and my mission, and their mission, and found little, and I could barely make anything out.

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