Luke said. “Honestly, kid. After what almost happened to you, you’re—” “Luke”—Eleanor spread her hands—“you just agreed that Skinner would stop the search for our parents.” “Yeah,” Luke said, “I did, and he might. But that doesn’t mean I think it’s anything but suicide for someone to—” “The station has three transports that I’ve seen,” Finn said. “They keep them nearby.” “Hey,” Luke said, “I’m not finished—” “Can either of you drive one of those?” Eleanor asked. Julian nodded. “My dad showed me once when we were in Canada. But that was a while ago.” “Hey,” Luke said, a little louder. “Are you guys even listening to me?” “Everyone will be awake soon,” Eleanor said. “Maybe we should get back to our rooms for now. Pretend like everything is normal. I think Skinner already knows I lied about the password to the laptop. We don’t need him suspecting us of anything else.” Julian and Finn nodded, then started to rise, but before they reached their feet, Luke slammed his fist down hard on the table, causing them to fall back into their seats.