The sun glinted on the handcuffs dangling from one officer’s belt. I shoved the phone back under the cashier’s window. I glanced out at the street. Baseball Cap had left—unaware that I’d seen him. Ducking under the turnstile, I barreled through a line of people waiting to get in. I felt like a bowling ball crashing into pins. One lady in high heels lost her balance and toppled backward. I was sorry about that, but there was nothing I could do. I couldn’t risk getting nabbed by the cops. I had to make that meeting tonight. I didn’t have the Margaret rose, but maybe I could bluff Baseball Cap. I broke into a run. The guards and police started running too. I heard them pounding behind me. But I didn’t worry about them. I could outrun anyone. I have to make that meeting. I have to get Ellie back. I jumped on the first bus heading back up Granville and switched to the Hastings bus. I couldn’t go home; the police would be watching for me. So, I headed to the PNE. I’d wait out the hours till closing time.