They might not have been aware of it, but they were beginning to sow the seeds of combat brotherhood. When Votainion men fight a common enemy together or endure a stressful or dangerous task, they can become closer than brothers. It is the warrior way and it forms bonds that can be stronger than any other relationship. The Votainions believed it was what separated them from other species and allowed them to subjugate the galaxy. Ku'nar rolled over the dead warrior and used his body as a shield to move laterally and gain ground on the giant aliens, while Ketar shielded the nest of deadly snakes. Eventually the fallen warrior's body was blasted apart and Ku'nar charged the startled Benzotii soldiers. In seconds the battle was over and Ku'nar stood over a severely wounded Benzotii. More words were exchanged, this time from Ketar. How she wished she could hear them. Ketar seemed to study the snake pit before speaking again to Ku'nar.