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Read The Broken Parts Of Us (2014)

The Broken Parts of Us (2014)

Online Book

4.29 of 5 Votes: 3
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Ker Dukey

The Broken Parts Of Us (2014) - Plot & Excerpts

I was very keen to pick up this book after finishing the first in the series. I loved Jasper in the first book so was excited to read his story and again Ker didn't disappoint at all. I loved getting to know Jasper better and what makes him well him, I also loved getting to know Derek, oh Derek! Also being introduced to Kyra. I can say now that I didn't like Hannah from the off and was hoping throughout that Jasper would come to his senses and kick her butt to the kerb!! This book is equally as action packed and full of drama if not more than the first book and every second your immersed in the story, you don't want it to end. You get their pasts explained and you begin to understand them more and what draws them together. There's a huge sense of family and strong bonds throughout this book, as well as a sexy lustful vibe that is absolutely smoking hot!! The story is intense and keeps you hooked as you turn the pages and I have to say that I fell in love with Jasper all over again reading him coming to terms with this thoughts and feelings and learning to deal with and accept what life has dealt him and making the best of it. I think the best way to describe it is it felt like an amazing circle had come full circle and I loved every page of it!! Definitely worth reading!! This book was that bloody fantastic I read it in one night. I couldn't put it down. Ker Dukey your writing is beautiful and gripping and had me on the edge of my seat. I laughed out loud, I gasped and I cried. this is is fantastic sequel to The Broken and one I would definitely read again. I actually wish I could give this more than 5 stars as this was must certainly, without a doubt one of the best books I've read all year.

What do You think about The Broken Parts Of Us (2014)?

Loved this follow up full of emotions reading it fantastic read a must if you haven't already

wow what a great book from start to finish,loved the ending *** must read***

A Great sequel keep up the good work loved it !!

4.5 stars


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