They gave me no advance warning so I entertained them in the kitchen, but this time I did offer them some refreshment, something I had omitted to do the previous afternoon. I made them the cappuccinos they requested and piled shortbread biscuits onto a plate while they began to tell me of the considerable progress which had been made in the last twenty-four hours or so. It seemed that Brenda Anderton’s home had been searched from top to bottom by Scenes of Crime Officers and substantial evidence found indicating that Luke Macintyre had been there. ‘There were fingerprints and bits of hair and other DNA evidence that we’re pretty sure will prove to have come from the boy, though we have to wait for the DNA results,’ Jarvis told me. ‘Same in the woman’s car. Seems clear she snatched him from his garden and then kept him at her own home before bringing him here in an attempt to frame you. Just as you thought.’ He paused.