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Read The Dare Me Date (A Small Town Romance Short Story Series)

The Dare Me Date (A Small Town Romance Short Story Series)

Online Book

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MagiCal Press

The Dare Me Date (A Small Town Romance Short Story Series) - Plot & Excerpts

I’m a sucker for it. I love it so much. It’s pathetic.”
~Drew Barrymore   “What have you gotten me into?” I asked Maddie. I called her as soon as I walked into my apartment.
“You’re home?” There was disappointment in her voice. “It’s only been an hour---a no-go on the Benjamin.”
“You better get over here and fast.” I rushed through the small loft to my makeshift closet that was a metal rod spanning across the back of the room. Resort towns were expensive to live in and this was the only place I could afford. “I have to pull together a New York look and fast for this all day date. Bring clothes!”
I slammed the phone down. I needed all the help I could get to pull this off.
Within no time, Maddie was at the door with an armload of clothes and shoes.
“He’s hot.” She told me something that I already knew. She dangled a pair of hot pink five-inch heels in my face. “These shoes will make him come crawling.”
“I don’t want him to come crawling.” I pushed her hand away.

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