THE DAY: A Novel Of America In The Last Days (The End Of America Series) - Plot & Excerpts
The Russian Commander, who had been studying ground invasion terrain maps, heard the rain drop hit, looked up and saw that it had splattered right in front of him. His first thought was that it had be from a bird, as they had carefully chosen this day based on perfect weather to move massive machines and large numbers of troops quickly across Israel. Couldn’t be rain, he thought, as he looked back at his maps. Shortly thereafter, though, another large drop splattered his windshield, followed by another and then many drops began to pummel his column of armored vehicles and armed soldiers. Within ten minutes the rain had turned into a torrential downpour. Some of the force’s armored fighting vehicles had windshield wipers, but many of the larger vehicles had not been so designed or built. As the rain increased in intensity it was soon obvious that the column would have to stop, as the drivers of the larger vehicles with no wipers couldn’t see to stay on the road.
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