the unicorn moaned from the doorway of Brass and Bone. “The mailmaaan left letters for youuuu.” “Ugh, Manny! Get that thing away from me!” Vessa shoved at the horrific taxidermy. “What is it, anyway?” “Mostly a mountain goat, I think. Might have some iguana thrown in, too. It’s been in the basement for a while.” “How much do you want for it?” a woman asked, from the salt and pepper shaker shelves. She wore all black, down to her fingernails and her lipstick. Manny brushed the thing’s forelock. “Two hundred dollars and he’s yours.” “One hundred,” Vessa told her. “Mr. Luna knows you’ll give him a good home.” “I do?” the shopkeeper asked. “Yes,” she said firmly. “It weirds out your favorite employee.” The customer smiled, like she enjoyed weirding out people she lived with, too.