She was asleep. ‘The NCIS?’ he repeated, in a daze. ‘You never help the Oslo Police with murders.’ ‘Yes, we do.’ ‘But not with tactical investigations.’ ‘Well, I…’ ‘Listen to me, then!’ He lay back down on the bed and stared at the ceiling. ‘I’m listening.’ ‘Maybe the killer wants to take on more? A stronger opponent?’ ‘Jesus, Johanne! Your speculation knows no bounds! And we still don’t know that there’s only one murderer. And another thing, we are so close to a possible suspect. And, and… Oslo Police are good enough. I would’ve thought that the most infamous villains would find them challenging enough.’ ‘After that Wilhelmsen woman stepped down, there’s been rumours that everything’s going to pieces and …’ ‘Don’t listen to rumours.’ ‘You just don’t want to even consider it.’ ‘Not at ten past four in the morning, no,’ he said, and hid his face in his hands. ‘You’re the best,’ she murmured. ‘No.’ ‘Yes.