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Read The Future King’s Love-Child (2009)

The Future King’s Love-Child (2009)

Online Book

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Mills & Boon

The Future King’s Love-Child (2009) - Plot & Excerpts

‘You’re c-coming back again, aren’t you, Mummy?’Cassie squatted down to his level and looked deep into his troubled gaze. ‘Yes, sweetie, of course I am.’His expression was still white with worry. ‘You’re not g-going to be locked away like before, are you?’Cassie suppressed a frown as she hugged him close. She had always tried to be as honest with him as possible without distressing him with details too difficult for him to understand. After all, it seemed pointless pretending the fifteen-foot-high barbed wire and concrete enclosure of the Aristo prison was some sort of luxury accommodation, but she had never gone into the sordid details of why she had had to be housed there. But it made her wonder who had been talking to him about her past and why. He was only just five years old. Apart from her flatmate and close friend, Angelica, he was with her all the time at the orphanage. But it was clear someone had said something to him, or perhaps he had overheard some staff members talking.‘Baby, that was a long time ago and it’s never going to happen again, I promise you with all my heart,’ she said, holding him gently by his thin little shoulders.

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