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Read The Geography Of You And Me (2014)

The Geography of You and Me (2014)

Online Book

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0316254770 (ISBN13: 9780316254779)

The Geography Of You And Me (2014) - Plot & Excerpts

I swear there was some magic sprinkled onto this book. Either that or I accidentally overdosed on Aspirin. The entire book kept me floating on a wave of time and I loved it. It was simple- no angst, steamy sex, paranormal super powers- and it was so innocent it felt a bit like a fairy tale. Except it was real. Very real. There are hundreds of Lucys and Owens in this world and I finally got a taste of what they feel.I don't believe in fate but after reading this, I'm not so sure. It's beautiful how two strangers meet on such strange circumstances and face odds that people who have been friends for years struggle to cope with. Long-distance relationships suck, especially when your relationship hasn't developed as much as you'd like it to. Yet, I got to see Owen and Lucy grow closer as the distance between them grew. I'm completely in awe.I fell in love with what Owen and Lucy had the moment they met. There was so much potential but so little time, which is exactly what happens in the real world. They collided like meteors and produced such a bright spark, and throughout the book, I willed them to meet again. This story was so real and sweet. Two individuals fighting the odds the world throws at them just for each other, it's a love that's inspiring. To anyone who has a relationship worth fighting for, go all the way for it, because it'll pay off. Trust Jennifer E Smith, trust Owen, trust Lucy and trust the power of love. During a city-wide power outage in New York, teens Lucy and Owen meet in their building and spend a night on the roof. Shortly after this, their paths take them in opposite directions - Lucy to Edinburgh, and Owen to various points westward. At first there are postcards, but as Lucy and Owen become more involved in their new lives, their correspondence wanes. Somehow, though, they are unable to completely forget each other. This book is reminiscent of Sleepless in Seattle or similar light romances. I liked it, but didn't find it enthralling.

What do You think about The Geography Of You And Me (2014)?

I did like it, but it felt rushed to me and so the ending came rather abruptly.

Good read. Sweet love story. Supports the belief that true love conquers all.

Good, clean, for YA

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