She threw open the bathroom door and ran down the hall to find Olivia and Rana in the kitchen. “Julia,” Olivia said, giving her a hug. “Please tell me you’re okay.” She leaned back, her eyes going to Julia’s forehead. “Mac told me you were standing in the design room when the wall exploded, and that you looked dusty and rattled but not hurt.” Julia touched the small bump on her forehead and smiled, looking over to include an equally concerned Rana. “Solomon knocked me to the floor just in time. I didn’t get hurt,” she assured them, stepping free only to have Rana pull her into a fierce hug. “Oh, honey,” Rana whispered. “You must have been . . .” She leaned away. “Not scared, certainly. Not you. Let’s go with shocked.” “Yeah, shock works. Is that coffee I smell?” Rana walked to the counter and got a mug out of the cupboard. “No, it’s tar.”