I have escaped! I have achieved the first stage of my emancipation! In a little while, I will go on to Baltimore — that’s the second stage of my journey — and from thence I will begin my new life. I have been through so many emotions today — such terrors and sorrows! such mounting hopes, such exquisite sensations of relief! I’m proud of myself because I haven’t been a coward, not one bit. My heart is racing even as I write, but I plan to go on as bravely as a heroine in a novel. For the worst is over, and I believe I have circumvented Father. Once my mind was made up, I planned my escape with great care and cunning. I knew I’d have to look older, both to elude pursuit and to convince my future employers that I am a mature and responsible female. I unearthed the bolt of chocolate-brown twill that Father bought for next year’s dress and added a flounce to this year’s dress, so that the hem almost touches the ground. And I’ve pinned my hair up in a knot on top of my head.