Michael said.“What?” Charlie demanded. It was obvious that Michael was seeing—had seen—something that she had not.“Two little girls came down out of the fucking sky. Two little girls who were covered with blood.”“Laura must have known them. Something bad must have happened to them.”“Yeah, I gathered that.” The look he turned on Charlie was grim. “Jesus Christ, don’t you ever see any happy dead people? You know, old folks who were ready to go or somebody who was so sick death was a release? Somebody like that?”“No.” Charlie’s response was flat. Her stomach continued to churn, but her senses were getting back to normal. The hypersensitivity was going, and that meant the spirit(s) were gone, too. Well, present company excepted. She fought to get the nausea under control.I will not throw up.“No wonder you’re twisted,” Michael said.“Twisted?” Charlie began indignantly, only to jump sky-high as someone behind her asked, “What’s twisted?”Tony. Charlie recognized his voice even before Michael had finished with his sardonic, “Oh, yay, it’s Dudley Do-Right,”