Underpass At first she thought he’d loaned her a hot car. But then she panicked. These cop bastards meant business. Even before talking to her, they had her out the car and the handcuffs snapped on. It all happened in a hazy blur after that, and once again Taylors life came crashing down around her in dramatic style. They arrested her for wounding a police officer and drug dealing, right there at the turnpike for the airport. So close. So agonisingly close. It was an open and shut case. Cops said the money had been marked to root out drug dealers, and they’d been tipped off that morning that the money had been on the move. She’d argued that she’d just been given it by Mason, but when the jury were told her prints were all over it, she was done. Taylor couldn’t understand how her prints came to be on the money. She hadn’t touched it before. Then there was the gun. A cop had been found severely wounded in the alley at the back of the ruined bar, shot through the spine. Her prints were all over the weapon, and when she was tested for gunshot residue, her firing hand, the right, was covered in it. She was found guilty on both charges.